Saturday, January 14, 2017

0.2 - Single Serving of Madness

So . . . toddlers, eh? Eh?

MORTIMER - Don't care, sink is broken. >:[

Well . . . stop that, then?   

PRINCIPLE - You need to get your act together, young lady! Keep this up and you could fail high school!

CASSANDRA - But . . . I haven't missed a single day?

Never had this happen in my games before, I'm usually very strict with my sim childrens' school/homework. Apparently attendance isn't enough to maintain a C average though. Interesting.

Bella is still flouting canon and trolling the heck out of some forums.

BELLA - They gave us toddlers--gave us the best, most interactive toddlers ever--for FREE, and Imma STILL complain! 

Sadly, I've seen this more than once IRL. I can only shake my head, lol. 

Cassandra brought home this . . . interesting specimen from school one afternoon. At first I was afraid I'd somehow gotten teen pregnancy activated, but no. That's just an extremely unfortunate body type.

CASSANDRA - I mean, I manage to go to school every day. Isn't that enough?

HALTER TOP - Uh . . . your sink is broken . . .

CASSANDRA - Yah, it's been broken for 2 days. Now, back on topic . . . 

Bella decides now would be a great time to come and have some girl-bonding-time. 

 It didn't go as well as she'd hoped . . .

CASSANDRA - This is all YOUR fault mom!

BELLA - Wut?!

HALTER TOP - Oh snap, here we go.

BELLA - She blames me for everything! Everything!

CASSANDRA - Because everything is your fault! OBVIOUSLY!

HALTER TOP - Uh, m-maybe I should just leave you guys alone to--

BOTH - No! We need a witness! 

Meanwhile my wittle founder-to-be was being a good boy and doing his homework (because I made him).

After the screaming match, Cassandra went to take a nap on the couch.

While Bella made some eggs and toast for HERSELF and left the rest of the family in the lurch. *sigh*

I was hoping Bella or Mortimer might do something about the sink, but no luck. I finally just click-replaced it with Alexander, rather than have them eventually drown.

Aww, mother and daughter making up after their fight. It warms the heart.

Alex has reached the stage in his Whiz Kid aspiration that he needs Emotion Potions, so I bought him a chem table and placed it up in his attic bedroom. Also, an alien poster. Because it amuses me.

Bella was attempting to get in a smooch or two from her husband, but Morty was too busy playing mobile blic-block. I lol'd.

Ohey look! Cassandra found her bed! *dies of shock*

Halter Top is still around . . . I don't think she's actually gone home. Bella takes advantage and cheats like a mo-fo at chess.

Poor Alex is forced to pull double-duty with quick meals in order to fill up his hunger bar.

More Blic-Block, Mortimer? He managed to nick the tablet for a game, this time.

3 AM . . . and Halter Top is still here.

I was finally forced to chase her away with Alex when he got up for school the next day.

BELLA - Okay everybody! Breakfast is served!

Wait, what? REALLY?! A group meal?!

ALEXANDER - I almost don't know how to act, eating something that doesn't come out of a bowl . . .

CASSANDRA - Best not to get used to it, Squirt.

Bella wat? You go into the bathroom and put your plate of half-eaten food on the floor just to play with the slablet some more? This whole family is addicted . . . .

PRINCIPLE - You need to get your act together, young lady! Keep this up and you--

CASSANDRA - At least I'm GOING to school, get off me! 

ALEXANDER - Maybe you should do your homework, Cass? Maybe then the principle wouldn't call you about your grades.

CASSANDRA - Maybe you should let me enjoy this slablet while I can, then I won't have to shove you into the closet later.

His fun was low after his homework, so I started to have him play some mobile blic-block. Then I realized it was wrong that everyone else in the house got to play with that darned slablet, so Alex finally got himself a turn.

BELLA - Sweet, sweet java . . . .

Probably should go take a nap rather than caffeinate . . . just a thought.

CASSANDRA - *grumble grumble*

Finally decided to do some homework?

CASSANDRA - Got tired of the principle phone-stalking me. 

Well, whatever motivates you, dear. So long as it's something. 

Mortimer, every time I check in with you this chapter, you're playing video games.


. . . do something interesting, dammit.

Like Bella! Random sit ups in the foyer, in her dress and heels. Because why not, GDI.

Alex, pls don't blow yourself up. Kthx.

Ok Mortimer, when I said do something interesting, I didn't mean do something potentially fatal. Cooking mac n cheese in your skivvies and slippers? And it's probably a single serving too--.

MORTIMER - I'm sorry, what?

Uh . . . nothing. *is dead from shock*

Morty took advantage of my death and a day off from work to play some solo chess.

Bella meanwhile broke one of the toilets. Great job, dear.

BELLA - Thanks!


I think both Goth children are so over school, by this point.

Elyse comes over to visit that afternoon, though from her expression she doesn't look entirely sure about it.

Cassandra got the slablet. That's all she needs in this world, really.

ELYSE - Toddlers!

ALEX - I know, right?!

BELLA - You need to hand over the slablet, dear.

CASSANDRA - Nope. Not falling for that again, mom.

BELLA - Givez me the precious!!1!1

CASSANDRA - *amused* In my inventory now.

Note the red plumbob. Mortimer is about to pass out from low energy. Of course coffee makes everything all better. -_-

BELLA - Life is not worth living without the slablet . . .

MORTIMER - *slurps coffee*

ALEXANDER - According to my calculations . . . it's a small miracle I survived infancy. 

ALEXANDER - Yep . . . that makes it official. Whiz Kid complete! 

Congrats! Not going to bother with a second one, really. Just gonna coast through the few days left of his childhood.

Doing fun things, like an outing to the park! I had Cassandra 'escort' her little brother and his BFF Elyse.

The children made for the giant pirate ship, while Cass reluctantly agreed to play the part of monster. Alex's expression in that second pic . . . I die every time.

Not long after arriving, Cassandra's bladder need reached dangerous levels. I kept waiting for her to use the public restroom . . .

In vain. She managed to feed herself at one of the food stalls at least.

Omg Alex, way to be a nerd. You're supposed to play at the park, not do homework.

CASSANDRA - I have to peeeeeeeeee!

You'll note the bathrooms RIGHT BEHIND HER.

CASSANDRA - I guess I'll help you with your homework, Alex.

Ohmygawd really?!

I finally gave up and made them go home. Luckily she managed to find the toilet afterward.

CASSANDRA - Aaah, sweet sweet solitude.

Alex and Elyse went back to chess

Mortimer continued to abuse the coffee maker rather than go to bed.

And then . . . do push-ups. Wut.

ALEXANDER - Nothing like a hearty, nutritional dinner of potato chips . . . *sob*

Oh look, he does know where the bed is. Awesome.

I gave Goth Manor the all-to-fitting 'Haunted' lot trait and that night held our first ectoplasmic visitor. She turned out to be SUPER helpful too, putting away all the books that the Goths constantly left everywhere.

As well as cleaning the dirty sinks and tubs. Best ghost EVAR.

And what's the first thing Bella does when she wakes up? Ruins all the ghost's hard work. :(

Aaaand broken fridge. Awesome. *replaces*

Cassandra makes herself some breakfast. Nobody else though, because these Goth's be selfish yo.

What was Alex doing? Chess, duh. At least Cass kept him company while he played.

Next up it was Mortimer's turn to make himself a single serving of eggs and toast.

Out of nowhere Bella swoops in though, interrupting his 'Eat' action to give him a helluva kiss.

Before snatching up his plate and walking off with it. I DIED!!!! I mean, just LOOK at that smug-as-sh*t look on her face! And Morty . . . ain't even mad, it looks like.

Welp, that's it for this installment! Check back next time for some birthdays, some trials, maybe some tribulations? Until then, happy simming!

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